Affiliate Marketing vs. Google Adsense: Which One to Boost your Blog?

Affiliate Marketing vs. Google Adsense: Which One to Boost your Blog?

It is so ridiculous to choose between affiliate marketing vs google adsense. These two platforms are the major source of income for every blogger. It may give you a severe headache when you are choosing a better one for your blog.

Affiliate marketing vs google adsense

Google Adsense or Affiliate Marketing

First of all new blogs take time to increase traffic. Both of these marketing tactics will work for a website, who has a good traffic. Therefore, you should focus on your content first. Give your readers a meaningful and helpful.

There is not a big difference between these two programs. There are good examples of websites, which are only running Google AdSense ads and earning a potential income. They don’t need to rely on affiliate marketing.

On the other hand, Mostly newbie bloggers choose Affiliate marketing to get higher commision. It is also true that Affiliate marketing is a booster technique to make your blog money machine. In fact, there are thousands of bloggers whose income totally depends on affiliate marketing.

If your website has a good amount of organic traffic. You can also choose AdSense rather than affiliate marketing. In fact, Adsense has a good value of payments. It will be easier for you to maintain an Adsense account rather than multiple affiliate accounts. But, if you are a new blogger and want to start earning. You should choose affiliate marketing. You can start earning online with your blog.

Now, I am sharing with you some pros and cons about both AdSense and affiliate. You can compare your site with them and choose which is best for you?

Google Adsense

Adsense is a super simple method to monetize your blog. You can post multiple ads on your website in Adsense. Whenever someone clicks on ads, you will get paid by Google. This is the common methodology uses by Google Adsense. Here are some good things about Adsense.


  • Adsense is dramatically easy to use system. Like affiliate marketing, you need to maintain your affiliate accounts and managing an email list. Adsense does not need all this extra work.
  • You can post multiple ads on your website. There are no restrictions on AdSense. Adsense have so many options to select ad size and layout. You can post as you feel better.
  • You don’t need a PayPal or Payoneer account to receive payments. Google Adsense directly sends payment to your personal bank account or it may pay you by cheque. You can choose cheque or online transfer.
  • If your blog is on a topic, which is a non-familiar. You are not able to find any related affiliate products with your blog. Then, what will you do? At this situation, AdSense is the best option for you my dear friend.
  • You will earn with every single click on ads in Google Adsense. It doesn’t matter if someone clicked on an ad and didn’t buy it. On the other hand, affiliate account will only pay you, when someone buys that particular product.


  • First of all, it is too hard to get your Adsense account approval. Many newbie bloggers try to get AdSense approval hundred times, but they fail.
  • You can not use Google AdSense. If you are running a suspicious or illegal site. Sites like Pornography, violent content, Pirated content, weapons, and all other illegal content can never be accepted for a Google AdSense account.
  • If you are using AdSense, You can’t use any other monetization programs on your site. For example, infolinks, chitika, buysellads, etc. You are allowed to use Only google AdSense ads.
  • There are too hard policies of Adsense. If any time google algorithm will notice that you are not following their policies. They will immediately ban you AdSense account permanently.
  • Adsense gives a very little penny for a single click. Your website should have huge traffic to get a big amount. As many organic clicks as you can get more income.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the most famous income source in the world of bloggers. What did you hear? Yeah, it is true mate. 7 out of 10 bloggers prefer Affiliate marketing instead of Adsense. You can easily earn a passive income if you have only thousands of visitor. I am telling you now some pros and cons about affiliate marketing.


  • Firstly, any newbie blogger can use affiliate marketing. You can paste any affiliate link on your first day of blog. However, you should try to build a true audience first, better than posting ads.
  • Affiliate payments are much more than AdSense clicks. You can get paid from $10 to $100 by affiliate marketing. You can earn more bucks with some sells.
  • In affiliate marketing, you can use your email list subscribers created for newsletters. You can launch a product or product review, and send an email to every subscriber. It will definitely give you more business and sales.
  • You can choose a certain topic for your website which is dedicated to giving reviews or blogs about some familiar products like fashion, technology, mobile phones, and weight loss tips and products etc.
  • Here are no policies like AdSense. Here no one can ban your account or anything else. You just need to make sales for other businesses. You are the owner of your ad programs. Here you can make your own policies.


  • For affiliate marketing, you need to gain a strong business knowledge. It is not like, post a blog every week and set up ads and that it, A regular income generates automatically. You need to learn the business and learn how to convert visitors into leads and then leads into sales. Overall, it needs more hard work.
  • You will get paid only when someone buys products by your ad. It does not give money for every click on ads. It needs sales. I already told you, its all about business.
  • You need to also work on market strategies and market changes. You need to regularly updated with market needs. Which product is getting higher sales and which is not? Overall, you need to do a market analysis on a regular basis.
  • Some companies set their minimum traffic policy to create an affiliate account with them. Your site should have a minimum traffic requirement. This situation creates anger in upcoming bloggers.
  • You can’t give a false review about any product. You cannot make sales with given false information. It will destroy your visitor’s trust and will give you lose in website traffic.

Finally, Which One is Better?

Finally, it is the toughest question. I can’t give you a better option for everyone. It is because every site has a different niche and different traffic stats. But I can give a simple tact to analyze which is better for you. Affiliate or Adsense.

You need to first note down your first-day traffic and sales status. Then you start applying AdSense ads on your site. Of course, if you already have an approved AdSense account.

Now post AdSense ads till 30 days on your site. After 30 days, note down the traffic and sales statistics. After that,  you need to immediately remove all AdSense ads.

Now you will post affiliate ad banners on your blog now. You have to stop affiliate ads at the 30th day and note down the statistics.


Now you can easily analyze and compare your business and sales.

It is the best method I use for my websites. After all this analyzing, you can go for a proper option for your site and start working on it.

Read More :

WordPress vs Blogger. Which is best?

How to Start Making Money with Google Adsense?

Google Adsense Policies: Do’s and Don’ts

8 Things You Must Know to Double Adsense Income

URL Shortener | The Ultimate websites to Shorten URLs

I have tried my best to differentiate between Google AdSense and Affiliate Marketing.

I hope you liked this post and found useful information. You can also connect with me on Facebook and Twitter.

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