Blogging Tips 101 Contest

Blogging Tips 101 Contest

Welcome to the official page of Blogging Tips 101 Contest. In this page you’ll find all the information about the contest.

Towards the end of 2011 I get this amazing idea, which in fact I got a lot earlier and reserved for this time of the year.

Although most of you will be away on Christmas and New Year soon, I plan to start this contest by the end of 2017.

However to ensure that everyone has a chance to participate and promote (and enjoy the holidays as well), the contest will run at least until 31st January, 2018 (I may extend the deadline, if needed).

The title of the contest is “Blogging Tips 101” to make it easier for everyone to enter.

However, here are some sub-categories for helping participants to choose a topic to write on:

Content Marketing, SEO, Blog Traffic, Link Building, List Building, Copywriting, Social Media Marketing and so on.

Important dates

*** The contest dates are changed. Read this post to know about the new dates and important updates***

  1. Commencement of contest post submission – Started!
  2. Last date for submission of contest entries – 31-01-2018.
  3. Social promotion of the contest posts end on 15-02-2018 (starts when your post goes live). Only social scores will be locked at this date.
  4. Until 28-02-2018, you can still earn points by writing sponsor reviews and building backlinks to your contest post.
  5. Results announced 5th-10th March, 2018.
  6. Prize amounts released – before 15th March, 2018.

There will be primarily cash prizes, though there are some special bonus prizes apart from the cash prize; the winners choose what they want in the order of wining hierarchy. you want to sponsor …

1. Platinum: $150 – 300×300 banner image, with 2 keywords.

2. Gold: $100 – 125×125 banner image with 1 keyword.

3. Silver: $50 – Text link. 1 keyword.

All the participants will be required to publish a post on their blog with the sponsor codes.

Plus sponsor reviews will have at least one do-follow backlink (see points system for more details).

This is a great opportunity for you to gain backlinks, SEO status, exposure and potential traffic!

If you want to become a sponsor of the contest just contact me.

The winners will be chosen based on a Point system

  1. Google +1 Vote – 5 points
  2. Comment / Reply – 10 points
  3. 1 backlink to your contest post in the form of commentluv link, or backlinks in any post on your blog or a guest post; no spamming – 25 points – The participants need to email me a list of page urls where the backlink is present, urls they commented on or better yet, the comment urls!
  4. Tweet – 3 points
  5. Facebook share/like – 4 points
  6. Blog Engage Vote – 4 points
  7. Blokube Vote – 4 points
  8. Sponsor reviews – Platinum: 200 points, Elite: 175 points, Gold: 150 points, Silver: 100 points – The participants have to email me the list of sponsor review URLs the’ve done.

A note on sponsor reviews

A review post should be about one sponsor only. You cannot write a combined review since points vary between sponsors. You can write more than one reviews about the same sponsor. Please visit the sponsors list page before writing a review. Some sponsors have specific requirements for a review.

You can publish the reviews anywhere – it can be your newly started blog or Hubpages, Triond, Tumblr etc. But make sure that each review contains at least 2 do-follow links to the sponsor, and a last line saying (paste in HTML mode) –

For the blogging Success's Blogging Tips 101 Contest.

A note on backlinks

Backlinks can be either

(i) commentluv links – you leave a comment on some site with your contest post as the commentluv link. Please note that comments that are not published (those under moderation) do not count.


(ii) links to your contest post from within any blog post. Just note that the “about the contest post” won’t count for backlinks; since making that post is an essential step to enter the contest; not to increase points. And sponsor reviews won’t count for backlinks as well, since you already get the “review” points for that post, you won’t get another type of point for the same post.

I drew this point system based on certain concepts involved with blogging success – you need to write great posts, you should be able to promote them on social media to gain exposure, you should be able to interact and engage with people, you should appreciate your neighbors.

Does this make sense?

Would you spread the word?

I’d appreciate if you could help me spread the word about the contest. Here are some banners you could use in your blog posts or in your sidebar:

You can right click and save the image on your computer and then put it on your side bar linking to this page.

Note: This contest has been ended. 

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