Content Marketing: Success Strategies To Market Your Blog

Content Marketing: Success Strategies To Market Your Blog

Content marketing – It is not about selling your pizzas; it’s about promoting them the right way so that they sell themselves.Content-Marketing-Delicious-Pizza

How many times have you heard that content is not the only King? Yes it is. You need quality content. No doubt on that. But having quality content will take you nowhere. Seriously.

That’s what I learned from my first year of blogging. I was pumping quality content in and out of my blog, but I could see no one to come, read and react or I couldn’t see anyone sharing it.

The content was useful and it was of high quality; but if I don’t put it before enough eyeballs, no one will ever know about my quality content. It will just stay there. This is where content marketing comes into play.

Content marketing is one of the crucial and integral part of your blogging success efforts.

Content marketing is about advertising your blog. Content marketing is about making people know about your content/product/service/expertise.

Be known for your speciality through content marketing:

Paris is known for _______________

Mc Donalds is known for ________________

You are known for _______________?

Can you fill in the third blank?

Yes you can, if you can market your content effectively. Content marketing helps you build your brand. It helps people to identify your speciality, your voice, your expertise and so on.

So while you’re marketing your content you are as well marketing your brand/expertise. Thus it is easy for you to sell. That’s the ultimate goal of any business.

Effective content marketing tips:

Here are some of the tips for effective content marketing. Remember, content marketing is not just about spreading your content, you have to make it compelling so that people become interested in that.

Be open to genuine relationships:

You’re working hard if you lock yourself behind the doors and write that epic blog post or create that product (it’s OK to do that once in a while; but here I’m talking about total isolation).

But who will read that epic post or buy your product unless they know you? You have to work smart.

Build relationships from day one. You need contacts for content marketing, you need genuine relationships. Not saying a “Hi” today and punch them on the face with “Read my blog” message the next day.

Make friends, be nice to everyone, be warm. The more relationships you build, the easier it will be for you to market your content.

Be naked:

This works like charm. The more people know everything about you, the closer they feel. This way it is a lot easier to market your blog. Get out your personal stories once in a while.

Content Marketing Knowledgebase

One key element to make word of mouth marketing work for you

7 Reasons Why You Should Use Social Media

Content Marketing Tools

Commentluv Premium Plugin: Genius Features You Shouldn’t Miss

Triberr: How About An Automated Social Reach Multiplier

Blokube: Sensationalizing The Blog Network

Blog Interact: Don’t Miss This One Seriously

Blog Marketing Forum: The New Face Of Networking And Marketing

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  1. Thomas

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