Why Facebook is Most Powerful Social Media Network for Business

Why Facebook is Most Powerful Social Media Network for Business

Facebook marketing strategy

How Facebook is Best Social Media for Businesses?

Do you know about online marketing? Do you know about Facebook marketing strategy to promote your business on social media?

Facebook is an ordinary method to online advertisement.

Facebook has more than 1.86 billion monthly active users as of December 31, 2016. This is the biggest number of users for any social website.

It is the most popular social networking platform in the world. It has the largest number of users. That’s why it is the most preferred solution for any business advertiser.

Facebook has a very strong advertisement platform for any offline or online business.

Facebook ads really work for traffic generation and conversion rate. Once you have created your online presence. You have to show it to the public.

So that, you just go and simply creates a facebook page about your business. Then publish the posts about your products what you are selling to your customers.

Here are some beneficial points to be noticed about Facebook ads.

Facebook Business Page

Facebook pages is an option to publish your photos, business promos, articles and advertisements. There are thousands of pages on facebook with different categories.

Business pages are specially made by people to advertise their products. After, creating this facebook page. You will share this page to your all social accounts.

If people are interested to your products. They will visit your page and like it. The more likes will make more popular your product.

You should post about new products, offers and special things on your page. By creating a facebook page, you are allowing your prospective readers, clients and buyers with you.

Facebook fan pages also help you to connect and send messages to all of your blog or website readers. If you are working hard on your website or blog.

And you still have not a facebook fan page, just do it quickly and take your blog to the next level.

Promoting Your Page

You are sharing your page with the friends and people but not satisfied. You want more customers. If you can pay some bucks for advertising, so there is a good option to take paid service on Facebook to promote your business.

According to your budget, Facebook will display your advertising to the different people in the world. You can also choose the selected audience to which you want to display your ads.

Its easier to show your products, prices, and features to the thousand number of people.

You can post your facebook link to other social networking sites like Twitter, Google+ and Instagram.

Design your ad more attractive and useful. More interesting ads attract more people and increase conversion rates.

Video Promotion

Create a beautiful video advertisement yourself or take some designer help. Video ads are more powerful than photo ads.

Describe your product in the video. Show easy methods to get your business. You can hire some designer for this if you are not interested to do so.

When creating your video, make sure to design it entertaining and product related. When people will see the video, they should say WOW. Great advertising is a great method to increase your business.

Use Facebook Page As A Profile

You can also use your Facebook business page as an individual profile. You can like other pages and comments on posts. When you hit the like button on any page, that page admin may also like your page in return, if he is interested.

Commenting is also an option to attract more people. When you visit other people’s pages and posts then comment there. You will be noticed by people and chances are the may visit your page and products.

It depends on your social media skills, you can convert your Facebook fans into conversations, and make your products and brand more famous.

Even hundreds of companies are using Facebook as a channel for a formal public statement. With a billions number of users, if your company or product is not on facebook yet. You are losing a lot of incredible things on this planet.


Finally, I would like to say thanks for reading this neat and short blog, I hope it is informative and helpful to you and your brand. Make sure to share this post and comment below your ideas. Have a great day…



  1. Neha
  2. Shubhadip chattaraj
  3. siddhi
  4. rajiv bikram

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