Hostgator India Coupons: Get 75% Off + Free Domain and Free SSL in 2023

Hostgator India Coupons: Get 75% Off + Free Domain and Free SSL in 2023

Hostgator India Coupons to Get Maximum Discount

Hostgator india always provides various coupon codes to get maximum discount. However many people are not aware of it. Today, I will share some lastest Hostgator India Coupons with all of you guys so that everyone can get a discount of upto 75% easily on every hostgator yearly plans.

Hostgator India Coupons

Many newbie bloggers want to start a new blog but sometimes they have a limited budget. These coupon codes will be very beneficial for all of these people.

Using these links, you can always grab atleast 70% discount on all Hostgator india hosting plans + free domain name and free SSL certificate with unlimited bandwidth.

Hostgator provides the world’s fastest web hosting servers. If you want to buy their plans in India, it will be very helpful for your blog because they have several servers in India. So that your Indian visitors can always visit your website at the fastest speed.

Hostgator India Latest Hosting Coupons Updated in 2021

Hostgator India is the subsidiary company of EIG group. These people are extremely successful and knowledgeable in the web hosting industry. You can never regret after buying their hosting plans.

I personally recommend hostgator because I am using it since many years and I never faced a single issue. Even if I had any technical problem, their 24/7 live support helped all the times. So without wasting any more time, lets start the list of Hostgator India Coupons for 2021.

Here are the Latest Hostgator Promo Codes Updated for 2021

50% Off Discount Coupon With Limited Validity

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30% Off On All Web Hosting Plans + Free Domain Coupon

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41% Instant Discount On All Plans + Free Domain

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70% On Linux Standard US Hosting + Free Domain & Privacy Protection + 10% Off On SSL

Click Here to Directly Grab This Deal

80% Off On Single Domain Hosting + Free Domain Name

Click Here to Directly Grab This Deal

Hostgator is the largest web hosting company. Many small and large enterprises trust on Hostgator hosting. You can always start using their service and start your online business aa soon as possible.

Hostgator India provides many different hosting plans for different websites. Every website has its own needs, thats why Hostgator suggests many different hosting plans according to your needs. They provide WordPress, Linux, Windows, Re-seller Hosting and VPS Hosting services.

Hostgator India Shared Hosting (Linux Vs Windows)

Hostgator India Coupons

Presenting you the Brief information about the Hostgator Web hosting plans and their technical specifications. The main cash cow of the Hostgator Company is its web hosting plans. They are the biggest seller of webhosting plans and they have a wide range of services to be offered under this category. Below we have discussed about the various web hosting plans of the Hostgator and also the technical specification that comes under these plans.

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Plans offered by Hostgator under the Web hosting services

Currently there are only three plans offered by them, which are as follows:

Plan 1 called as the Hatching Plan

This is good for the people who are having the one domain only and they are starting there site for the first time. You have to pay Rs 178 for three years for this plan.

Facilities offered under the Hostgator India Hatching Plan

  1. This is for the Single Domain only.
  2. Unlimited Disk Space is provided under this.
  3. Unlimited Bandwidth is provided under this plan.
  4. SSL certificate which is necessary for the network security is also available under this.

Plan 2 called as the Hostgator Baby Plan

This plan will be better for those who are starting two three site simultaneously. The charges that you need to pay for availing this plan is Rs 287 for three years.

Facilities offered under the Hostgator Baby Plan

  1. Unlimited domain facility is available under this.
  2. Unlimited Disk Space is provided under this.
  3. Unlimited Bandwidth is provided under this plan.
  4. SSL certificate which is necessary for the network security, is also available under this.

Plan 3 also called as the Hostgator Business type plan

This plan is good for those who are starting a website related to a business andneeds top most security for their business. The charges that you need to pay for availing this plan is Rs 467 for three years.

Facilities offered under the Hostgator Business Plan

  1. Unlimited domain facility is available under this.
  2. Unlimited Disk Space is provided under this.
  3. Unlimited Bandwidth is provided under this plan.
  4. Free private SSL certificate and IP, which is necessary for the network security, is also available under this.

Technical Specification of these plans offered by the Hostgator

  1. It provides top notch network connectivity from the services provider like Tata, VSNL, BSNL, AIRTEL, and Reliance. There is no chance of network failure due to the multi layered secured network.
  2. 4500 free website templates are available under these plans.
  3. Inbuilt latest Cpanel comes in to it and Website Statistics: AWStats, Webalizer, Raw Log Manager, Referrer and Error Logs are available under it.
  4. Also Web Based File Manager, Hotlink Protection, IP Deny Manager, Redirect URL facilities are also available.
  5. Programming and Database Features offered under these plans are Programming Languages like CGI, Ruby on Rails, Fast CGI, PHP 5, Perl, Python, SSI.
  6. Email Features provided are Unlimited POP3 Email Accounts with SMTP, Webmail Access: Horde, Squirrel Mail, Round Cube
  7. Receive your email to your phone via IMAP Supports are some of the other facilities under these plans.

Hostgator India Coupons for Domain Name Services

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Hostgator India which is a big name when it comes to the web hosting, also offers services related to the registration of names or domains. They provide every type of domains services like .in etc. Bulk domain can also be purchased at Hostgator India and for that there is a little different procedure need to be followed then the normal one. One of the unique things about the Hostgator registration process is that, they use the image format that need to be entered when you are searching for your domain. This prevents unnecessary automatic submission of domain names. There is also option of searching for Multiple TLDs in the Hostgator registration process.

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Area of Expertise

  1. Domain Registration
  2. Domain transfer
  3. Domain Name renewals
  4. Bulk Domain registration

Facilities provided in Domain registration

  • Privacy protection and DNS management– Keep record of your site location and other related activities.
  • Domain Forwarding– Facility of forwarding your users to other domain also.
  • Dedicated Support– Hostgator provides 24X7 customer support.
  • Email Accounts– Hostgator India provides two email accounts of 100 MB each storage space with every domain related purchase.
  • Multiple Mail Forward– Facility of forwarding your all emails from this email address to your already existing email id.
  • Domain theft Protection– Keep your domain unique to yourself and avoid getting it steal by someone.

Plans offered By Hostgator in registration of domains

Following are the available domain name TLD at hostgator india, with minor details:

Plan 1– .ORG space

Plan2-.COM Space

Plan3-.BIZ Space

Plan4-.NET Space

Plan5-.IN Space

Plan7-.CO.IN Space

Plan8-.ASIA Space

Plan 9-.INFO Space

Plan10-.NAME Space

Plan11-.MOBI Space

Plan 12– space

Hostgator India VPS Hosting Services

VPS hosting is nice way of filling up the game between the Shared hosting and dedicated servers. For those who want to invest less but want to grow quickly in short time, then VPS hosting is the nice tool. Below we have discussed various types of plans that are offered under the VPS hosting services provided by the Hostgator.

Plans offered by Hostgator under the VPS hosting services

Currently there are only Nine plans offered by them, which are as follows:

Plan 1 called as the LEVEL 1. Money that you have to pay is Rs 720 per month with recurring cost of Rs 900.

Facilities offered under the LEVEL 1 Plan

  • CPU speed of .57 GHz is available under this.
  • RAM provided in this plan is 384 MB.
  • You will get a disk space of 10 GB.
  • Bandwidth offered under this plan is 250 GB.

Plan 2 called as the LEVEL 2. Money that you have to pay is Rs 1080 per month with recurring cost of Rs 1350.

Facilities offered under the LEVEL 2 Plan

  • CPU speed of .85 GHz is available under this.
  • RAM provided in this plan is 576 MB.
  • You will get a disk space of 22 GB.
  • Bandwidth offered under this plan is 375 GB.

Plan 3 called as the LEVEL 3. Money that you have to pay is Rs 1440 per month with recurring cost of Rs 1800.

Facilities offered under the LEVEL 3 Plan

  • CPU speed of 1.13 GHz is available under this.
  • RAM provided in this plan is 768 MB.
  • You will get a disk space of 30 GB.
  • Bandwidth offered under this plan is 500 GB.

Plan 4 called as the LEVEL 4. Money that you have to pay is Rs 2520 per month with recurring cost of Rs 3150.

Facilities offered under the LEVEL 4 Plan

  • CPU speed of 1.98 GHz is what you get under this plan.
  • RAM provided in this plan is 1344 MB and it will speed up your system.
  • You will get a disk space of 59 GB.
  • Bandwidth offered under this plan is 1050 GB.

Plan 5 called as the LEVEL 5. Money that you have to pay is Rs 3420 per month with recurring cost of Rs 4275.

Facilities offered under the LEVEL 5 Plan

  • CPU speed of 2.69 GHz is what you get under this plan.
  • RAM provided in this plan is 1824 MB and it will speed up your system.
  • You will get a disk space of 80 GB.
  • Bandwidth offered under this plan is 1425 GB.

Plan 6 called as the LEVEL 6. Money that you have to pay is Rs 4320 per month with recurring cost of Rs 5400.

Facilities offered under the LEVEL 6 Plan

  • CPU speed of 3.4 GHz is what you get under this plan.
  • RAM provided in this plan is 2304 MB and it will speed up your system.
  • You will get a disk space of 102 GB.
  • Bandwidth offered under this plan is 1800 GB.

Plan 7 -LEVEL 7. Money that you have to pay is Rs 5400 per month with recurring cost of Rs 6750.

Facilities offered under the LEVEL 7 Plan

  • CPU speed of 4.25 GHz is what you get under this plan.
  • RAM provided in this plan is 3168 MB and it will speed up your system.
  • You will get a disk space of 165 GB.
  • Bandwidth offered under this plan is 2250 GB.
  • You will get 2 IP addresses.

Plan 8 -LEVEL 8. Pay Rs 6480 per month with recurring cost of Rs 8100.

Facilities offered under the LEVEL 8 Plan

  • CPU speed of 5.09 GHz is what you get under this plan.
  • RAM provided in this plan is 3801 MB and it will speed up your system.
  • You will get a disk space of 198 GB.
  • Bandwidth offered under this plan is 2700 GB.
  • You will get 2 IP addresses.

Plan 9 -LEVEL 9. Pay Rs 7600 per month with recurring cost of Rs 9500.

Facilities offered under the LEVEL 8 Plan

  • CPU speed of 5.94 GHz is what you get under this plan.
  • RAM provided in this plan is 4435 MB and it will speed up your system.
  • You will get a disk space of 231 GB.
  • Bandwidth offered under this plan is 3150 GB.
  • You will get 2 IP addresses.

Technical Specification of these plans offered by the Hostgator in VPS hosting

  1. Top notch software’s are offered under this service like CentOS Linux with Full Root Access, Optional cPanel with WHM Control Panel.
  2. It provides top notch network connectivity from the services provider like Tata, VSNL, BSNL, AIRTEL, and Reliance. There is no chance of network failure due to the multi layered secured network.
  3. 4500 free website templates are available under these plans.
  4. Best hardware from Dell and Intel is provided to the user.
  5. Programming and Database Features offered under these plans are Programming Languages like CGI, Ruby on Rails, Fast CGI, PHP 5, Perl, Python, SSI.
  6. Customer support is 24X7 under these plans.
  7. Receive your email to your phone via IMAP Supports are some of the other facilities under these plans.

Hostgator India Dedicated Server Coupon Code

Hostgator India discount link

This article discusses about eh hosting services that are done on the windows platform by the Hostgator. Window hosting is among the strongest platform for hosting and on other hand Linux is the other one. Following are the plans that are offered by the Hostgator under these services.

Plan 1 called as the Basic Dedicated servers. Charges are Rs 6264 per month with recurring cost of Rs 7830.

Features of this plan:

  1. In terms of hardware Intel Dual Core G620/Intel and Dual Core E5400 Processors.
  2. 2 GB DDR2 Memory is fitted in each Sever.
  3. 250 GB Hard Drive is available for storage.
  4. 1,000 GB Bandwidth is available in this plan.
  5. And you will get 2 Dedicated IPs addresses under this. As a complimentary offer they are offering FREE Plesk to all the plans.

Plan 2 called as the Standard Dedicated servers. Charges are Rs 7880 per month with recurring cost of Rs 9850.

Features of this plan:

  1. In terms of hardware we have Intel i3-2120/Intel Xeon and 3110(Dual Core) Processors.
  2. 2 GB DDR2 Memory is fitted in each Sever.
  3. 500 GB Hard Drive is available for storage.
  4. 1,500 GB Bandwidth is available in this plan.
  5. And you will get 2 Dedicated IPs addresses under this.

Plan 3 called as the Elite Dedicated servers. Charges are Rs 10044 per month with recurring cost of Rs 12555.

Features of this plan:

  1. In terms of hardware is Intel Xeon 3430 (Quad Core) Processors that what you get.
  2. 4 GB DDR2 Memory is fitted in each Sever.
  3. 500 (250 GB each) GB Hard Drive is available for storage.
  4. 1,500 GB Bandwidth is available in this plan.
  5. And you will get 2 Dedicated IPs addresses under this.

Plan 4 called as the Pro Dedicated servers.

Features of this plan:

  1. In terms of hardware you will get Intel Xeon 5506 (Quad Core) Processors.
  2. 8 GB DDR2 Memory is fitted in each Sever.
  3. 1000 (500GB each) GB Hard Drive is available for storage.
  4. 2,000 GB Bandwidth is available in this plan.
  5. And you will get 2 Dedicated IPs addresses under this.

Technical aspects of these plans under Windows Dedicated servers

  1. You will get a Free Enom Domain Name Reseller Account.
  2. 4,500 Website Templates are available under these servers hosting.
  3. Website Statistics, Web Based File Manager and Password Protected Directories are some of the control features provided under it.
  4. ASP, ASP.NET 2.0, ASP.NET 3.5, ASP.NET 4.0, AJAX and PHP, Perl, Python, SSI, Curl, GD Library, MVC 3.0, LINQ are some of the languages that are supported under this.
  5. In terms of email features, they provide POP3 Email Accounts with SMTP and Web Mail Access with Smarter Mail Client for unmatched service related to email.
  6. Gigabit Uplink with a guaranteed 100mbit connection is assured in all the plans that are coming under this service.So this was all from this article. Hope you enjoyed reading this. Please leave your comments regarding this.

Hostgator India Reseller Hosting Discount

Now it is a very easy way to start your own web hosting company. Hostgator offers wide range of plans that will enable a new business man to open its new web hosting business. Well to make thongs simpler for the user to understand, we have explained various plans offered by them. At last we have also discussed about the technical specification of these plans.

Plans offered by Hostgator under the Reseller Hosting services

Currently there are only three plans offered by them, which are as follows:

Plan 1 called as the Aluminum Plan

You have to pay Rs 900 for one month for this plan. Recurring cost in this plan is Rs 1125.

Facilities offered under the Aluminum Plan

  • 50 GB of Disk Space is provided under this.
  • 500 GB of bandwidth is also provided with it.
  • Facility of hosting unlimited domains under this.

Plan 2 called as the Copper Plan

You have to pay Rs 1260 for one month for this plan. Recurring cost in this plan is Rs 1575.

Facilities offered under the Copper Plan

  • 80 GB of Disk Space is provided under this.
  • 700 GB of bandwidth is also provided with it.
  • Facility of hosting unlimited domains under this.

Plan 3 also called as the Silver type plan

Total cost that you haveto pay Rs 1800 for one month for this plan. Recurring cost in this plan is Rs 2250.

Facilities offered under the Silver Plan

  • 120 GB of Disk Space is provided under this. This may be cloud storage or local storage too.
  • 1000 GB of bandwidth is also provided with it. This will make your hosting to perform faster.
  • Facility of hosting unlimited domains under this.

Technical Specification of these plans offered by the Hostgator

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  1. Reseller Web Hosting Features are like Unlimited Domains, Subdomains, Email Accounts, MySQL Databases, FTP Accounts.
  2. It provides top notch network connectivity from the services provider like Tata, VSNL, BSNL, AIRTEL, and Reliance. There is no chance of network failure due to the multi layered secured network.
  3. Inbuilt latest Cpanel comes in to it and by this you can manage your customers.
  4. Free WHMCS or WHM AutoPilot Client Management / Billing software and Free Enom Domain Name Reseller Accountare also offered by the hostgator.
  5. Also Web Based File Manager, Hotlink Protection, IP Deny Manager, Redirect URL facilities are also available.
  6. Programming and Database Features offered under these plans are Programming Languages like CGI, Ruby on Rails, Fast CGI, PHP 5, Perl, Python, SSI.
  7. Email Features provided are Unlimited POP3 Email Accounts with SMTP, Webmail Access: Horde, Squirrel Mail, Round Cube
  8. Receive your email to your phone via IMAP Supports are some of the other facilities under these plans.

Finally, You have got the best Hostgator India Coupons In 2021. Now you can also purchase an affordable hosting plans and start your dream website or blog.

You can easily get a free domain name and SSL certificate using these Hostgator India discount links. I always refer hostgator over other hosting plans.

Hostgator is always give priority to their customer services. So without wasting any more time. You should buy your plan and start building your website.

I am sure that these Hostgator India Coupons will definitely help you grab good deals. I would like to read your opinions and comments below.

Feel free to share this post with your friends and follow us on Facebook and Twitter as well. 


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