How to Start a Blog Which Makes Money When You Sleep (2025)

How to Start a Blog Which Makes Money When You Sleep (2025)

How to Start a Blog – Are you struggling to set up a blog or finding some easy to understand guide to create a blog. In this guide, I will explain briefly how you can quickly start your blog, especially for beginners.

The internet has grown thousands of opportunities for us and the blogging industry is also increasing rapidly day by day.

In fact, Blogging is becoming a full-time career option for many youngsters these days.

how to start a blog

In addition, Blogging has much more potential in online businesses rather than other options, but sometimes people get stuck with blogging due to the lack of technical knowledge.

On the other hand, it is not completely true that you need to be a tech geek to start or create a blog. You can easily follow this step by step guide, and you will quickly set up your blog within less than 15 minutes.

Before moving ahead, I want to show you some genuine Blogging success stories:

HuffPost Report – How This Lady Making Insane $50000+ from a Food Blog

Forbes Report – How These Successful Bloggers Left 9 to 5 Job and Became Millionaire through Blogging

BBC News – From a Berated Blogger to Beauty Millionaire

A Detailed Guide On How To Start A Blog – Using Simple Steps:

  • Ask yourself why you want to start a blog?
  • Start a blog with a micro-niche.
  • Select a domain name.
  • Choose a reliable and affordable hosting plan.
  • Install WordPress for a fantabulous blogging experience.
  • Create and write content for them.
  • Promote your Content and Learn advanced SEO.

So, here are the most straightforward steps to follow if you want to start a blog.

However, I would like to go in deep into all the steps. Starting a blog is not difficult but converting it into a successful business might be a trouble.

So, if you are reading about blogging for many days and today, you just need a tutorial to get started, then you should directly jump to the final step.

But if you have just read some “make money online” blogs here and there and decided to create a blog.

So then you should read this post entirely because Blogging is not a money-making machine as many beginners think about it.

List of Contents

Step 1. Why You Should Start A Blog?

In this era of technology, The world has massive potential in online businesses. The number of internet users is increasing day by day. Hence, more people are taking an interest in starting a blog.

There are many reasons to start a blog. Here are a few most crucial reasons:

1. There are more than 5.8 billion internet users in the world.

As this report says, Internet users have seen exponential growth in the last few years.

A few years back, there were a limited number of blogs out there. But nowadays, you can easily find a blog on each topic. Some of the people do blogging for business, some of them love to blog, and some of them are just addicted to Blogging.

Also, people have a reason for Blogging. However, most of the bloggers do it for money. Blogging is the most popular idea to make money online.

There are many bloggers in the world who are earning thousands of dollars in a month. These bloggers are the biggest inspiration for newbie bloggers.

However, it is also true that people get over-excited after seeing the earnings of these bloggers. They immediately believe that they can also earn like them by just starting another blog too.

Unfortunately, it is not entirely true, and it is not as easy as it looks. Those people who are earning thousands today, they are working on their blogs for many years. Blogging is not like a sweet banana, which you can buy and eat quickly.

Blogging needs consistent hard work, patience, effort, investment, and many more things. However, Blogging does not ask you for a massive investment, like many other businesses. But you need to spend at least a few bucks to buy your domain name and a web hosting plan.

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2. Highest Search Volume of Keywords

Keywords are the most crucial part of Blogging. Each keyword has its own search volume and competition. There are many keywords on which more than a million people do search every month.

You will also be shocked that some keywords have extremely high search volume all over the world.

You just need to invest some time in keyword research to find the best keywords for your blog. Many people want to start a blog but don’t know about keyword research, which makes them unsuccessful in Blogging.

3. Starting a blog is not expensive

Starting a blog is not that crazy but finding a hosting provider is. You will always get stuck when you start seeing some good web hosts.

However, you can easily buy  hosting and domain from any big brands like HostGator, Bluehost, Siteground, etc. These are the biggest brands and the most reliable hosting companies for beginners.

There are hundreds of other brands available, but these are the most friendly hosting companies, especially for newbie bloggers. They provide very cheap plans compared to many others. This will help you to save money as well.

Also Read: Top 10 Blogging Tips for Beginners [2019 Updated]

Step 2. Choose A Perfect Blogging Niche

Blogging niche or blogging topic, you can call it whatever you want. But you need to keep in mind that this is going to decide the future of your blogging journey.

Choosing a perfect niche in Blogging is the most crucial step. You can’t neglect that your niche will decide how much you can earn from it in the future. So make sure you do proper research to find a perfect blogging niche before starting your blog.

If you are feeling unfamiliar with these keywords or topic research in Blogging. I will help you to understand what is keyword research and how can you do it for free. Here I am giving some points which will help you to choose a blogging niche.

1. What Can You Write About?

Writing is the key to success in Blogging. It doesn’t mean that you need proper grammatical understanding or to become an award-winning writer. It just means that what you can write about. In short, it depends on your day to day life experiences.

Also, you need to find a topic on which you can talk or teach a full day. You should have a keen knowledge of the subject. It doesn’t mean having technical expertise, but it means you should love to talk about that particular topic.

Writing beautiful articles do not need any specific qualification; you need to know how to write Facebook posts or tweets on Twitter. Nobody is perfect, and learning is a never-ending process.

However, you should also understand that writing is an art. And you need to become an expert in it as soon as possible. You should learn how to create engaging content and how to attract readers using your lovely words.

So choose a topic on which you can easily write around 100 articles and move on to the next step.

2. Do Proper Keyword Research

Keyword research is the most crucial step in Blogging. However, most people don’t know about it even after starting a blog.

As we are talking about the blogging audience, you need to do keyword research, especially for long-tail keywords. You can use many keyword research tools, such as Google AdWords, Ubersuggest, Semrush, etc.

Ubersuggest is my personal choice because it is the most reliable and free tool. You don’t need to fill any signup form or face any creepy website layout to search keywords.

Here you just need to type its name on google, click on the first result. You will directly visit a page where you need to put your keyword and choose your country, such as the United States.

Then click on search, and you will get data on how many people are searching monthly for that keyword on Google. It is called the search volume. You can see SEO difficulty to get an idea of ranking abilities.

Moreover, you need to put many different keywords related to your niche. It would be best if you chose a narrow topic for your blog rather than a broad matter. For instance, you can select “luxury handbags” instead of “Fashion.”

It is the most significant factor to understand that ranking for a broad topic such as technology, fashion, science, business, etc. is almost impossible now. You need to select a narrow topic from any of these big industries.

3. Select A Micro-Niche to Start a Blog

I have already defined micro-niche in the last step. Blogging is all about ranking and traffic. If you are not able to rank on Google’s first page, your money and hard work will be wasted.

Ranking on Google’s first page depends on more than 200 factors. However, in a nutshell, we can say that higher domain authority will help you to rank higher.

Increasing domain authority is not an easy task. You need thousands of backlinks from authoritative sites. And newbie bloggers hardly can reach around 20 to 30 domain authority in starting.

Therefore, I am suggesting here to choose a topic for your blog, something like “women shoes” instead of “fashion.”

Of course, you will have more content to write in the fashion niche. But it is not possible to come on Google’s first page with fashion.

To understand why you need to learn SEO and competition on keywords.

Here is also one more important thing. It is also interesting to know that you can outrank sites like Huffpost, Entrepreneur, or Forbes if you choose a micro-niche for your blog.

Google gives more priority to those sites that have more related content on their sites. For example, if Forbes writes a post on “women shoes” and its ranking on the first page. It is possible that you can outrank Forbes if your complete website is all about women’s shoes.

Google feels that your complete website is about women’s shoes. That means you have more relevant content on your site. On the other hand, Forbes is not all about women’s shoes, so they don’t have relevant content on their site. Hence, you can easily outrank big websites using the micro-niche technique.

Also Read: How to Find Target Audience of Your Blog

Step 3. Step By Step Process to Start a Blog

To start a blog, we will use WordPress as a content management system, which is the most preferred CMS for bloggers.

You will have complete control of your website using WordPress, while free blogging platforms don’t allow you to control your blog.

WordPress carries more than 30% of all websites working online. It is all because of the increasing popularity of it. It is a handy, user-friendly, and reliable CMS as compared to others.

To start a website on WordPress, you will have to buy a domain name and hosting plan. You can buy a domain name and hosting plan from any hosting provider.

However, we strongly recommend to use Hostgator as it gives a 65% discount for Internetically9 users. You can get 1 year hosting plan at $3/month only. It means it will cost you around 2600 rupees only.

Many people recommend Bluehost, as well. And Bluehost also provides the same discount, but they give the value for only 36 months plan. It means you have to pay for 3 years at once to get the offer.

Therefore, I don’t prefer Bluehost. It is merely because newbie bloggers mostly purchase one year plan to get started. Also, Hostgator provides:

  • Flexible Cpanel

  • Unlimited Business Email Accounts

  • Totally Unlimited Bandwidth

  • Unlimited FTP Accounts

  • Unlimited Sub-domains

  • 99.9% uptime Guarantee

  • Free SSL Certificate

So now, we will use WordPress in this post to start your blog.

Here are the steps to start a blog:

1. Purchase your Domain name and Hosting plan

As we discussed above, you can get the maximum discount as internetically9 users. You just need to click on the Hostgator discount bar below. If you directly visit, you will see their prices are too high. Using this link below. You can get a 60% discount on hosting and domain name, especially for 12 months plan as well.

→ Start Your Own Blog with Hostgator at $2.58 Only.←

  • Click on the link above and visit Hostgator.
  • On the next page, click on “Get Started Now.”

start blog using hostgator

  • Here choose a domain name and fill in your details for signing up.

choose domain name

  • Now, uncheck additional services that are not required for beginners.

choose hosting plan

  • Now, complete the payment, and you are done.

So now, you have purchased a domain name and hosting plan for one year. It means you are the founder of this site now. After that, you just need to install WordPress to publish your blog posts online.

2. How to Install WordPress?

As you complete payment in the above step, you will get cPanel login details in your email. Go to your email. Look at your cPanel username and password. Visit

Now enter your details here and log in to cPanel. As you enter into Cpanel, you could confuse with many technical options.

So don’t touch anything if you don’t know about them. You just follow my simple step by step guide below to install WordPress easily.

  • Firstly, as you have logged in to Cpanel.
  • Now, click on the Quickinstall icon under the Software section.

install wordpress to start blog

  • Here you need to click on One-Click Install inside the Website Essentials tab in the left sidebar.


  • Now, don’t confuse with other software. You have to just click on WordPress.

One-click WordPress installation

  • On the next page, you will have to select your domain name, which you bought recently. And click Next.

domain name

  • Now, you need to choose a username, blog title, full name, etc. on this page.

admin details

  • Make a note of these details. You will need your username and password forever to login to WordPress.
  • Choose Username and Password precisely. Don’t use Admin as your username or password.
  • Now after filling all this information. Click on the Install button.
  • It will take few seconds to Install. If you see any offer, click on No thanks. Then you will see the message Installation Complete.

Start a blog in India

Phewww… Finally, you have started your blog, and now you can write and publish articles online.

However, if you are still confusing with these technical steps, you can directly contact HostGator through live chat or phone. They will do it for free. Or you can also contact me to help you with this installation process.

Also Read: 10 Innovative Ideas to Improve Your Writing Skills for Blogging

Step 4. Choose An Elegant WordPress Theme and Essential Plugins after Creating a Blog

Now you are entirely able to start a blog by yourself. The next step would be choosing a theme for your blog, as I suppose that you want to create a blog for the audience. Now you need a unique and appealing theme to attract more visitors.

Choosing a free theme is not the best option for any blogger. You can get many premium WordPress themes at a very minimum cost.

You should understand that premium themes have many advantages over free themes. Therefore, 99% of professional bloggers use premium themes.

Premium themes allow you to change or modify every part of your website. For instance, free themes won’t allow you to change footer messages such as “powered by WordPress” or “designed by theme company.”

Moreover, premium themes give a “theme options” panel from where you can make various changes easily. You can manage your header, footer, logo, ads, CSS codes, homepage, blog page, etc.

SEO is also is a significant factor in choosing premium themes over free themes. All premium theme companies update their themes according to google algorithm changes. It is super essential for better rankings in SERP.

Premium WordPress Themes

Therefore, I have already chosen some best WordPress themes for you in this post. Here you can select many different themes from various theme companies.

However, my personal choice is Envato Themes. It is because here you will get the best premium themes at a budget cost. As you are starting a new blog and you might not be interested in investing lots of money in this blogging game. Here you will get a top-notch WordPress theme at the best price.

I am a big fan of these guys because of their world-class support team. As typically, any premium theme company won’t give support after one year. But Mythemeshop people always help you to make any changes in your website pages.

I am using this theme for more than 4 years, and they are also helping me as a free web developer. Whenever I need to changes my homepage, footer, or header, they just do it quickly for me.

Also, many successful bloggers using Mythemeshop for many years. For instance, Matthew Woodward, Zac Johnson, and many others are using their themes for many years. In short, Mythemeshop is my first and last choice for premium WordPress themes. You can also check some of their premium themes here.

Also Read: How to Install WordPress Themes?

Free WordPress Themes

I always recommend newbie bloggers to purchase a premium theme for the professional look of your blog. It gives you more control and power over your blog.

However, if you have just started a blog and want to learn the basics first, you can choose a free theme from WordPress theme directory.

Here you can download any theme of your choice from WordPress free theme directory

Or you can Go to your admin dashboard, then select the appearance option from the left sidebar. Here you click on themes and add a new theme. You will many free themes here. You will need to just click on install and then activate. Your blog will be set up with this theme immediately.

Essential WordPress Plugin

I am hoping you are starting a blog as a beginner. In this case, you need a piece of crucial advice for important plugins.

Each WordPress Plugin is a piece of software that enables more functionality into your newly started blog. Here we will point out the most essential WordPress plugin you will need to install and activate.

Read More: How to Install WordPress Plugins

1. Akismet

Akismet is the most popular plugin to control comments spam. There are many computer programs and bots on the internet which send spam comments on your site.

This plugin helps to prevent your site from these spammers. It will keep your comment box neat and clean.

2. Yoast SEO

We will talk later about SEO. But for now, you should first install this Yoast plugin as soon as possible.

An SEO plugin is the most crucial for every newly created blog. It will help to make your website visible in front of multiple search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

This plugin is a little complicated and technical. You will need to make settings and changes very carefully. It will also help you to create a sitemap for your blog. Here I have created a post to briefly explain on How to Install and setup Yoast SEO Plugin. 

3. WP Smush

This plugin is very useful to make your blog faster to load. People don’t care about slow websites, they just leave them.

That’s why you will definitely need this plugin to help your website load faster by decreasing the image file size. This plugin compresses images automatically whenever you add a new image. So that your images will load faster with a small file size.

4. W3 Total Cache

Cache plugin is also crucial for every website. It helps to clean the extra cache from your website automatically.

Same as your phone, your website also saves unnecessary cache files in the backend of your website. You need a plugin to clean them regularly. And this is the right plugin for that task.

5. Contact Form 7

If you are not in the mood to buy a premium contact form plugin, you can download this free contact form plugin.

This plugin will add a contact form to your contact page easily. This way if anyone sends a query using your contact page, it will come directly to your email inbox.

This plugin is very easy to use. You can read this guide here on how to set up the contact form 7 plugin. 

Step 6. How to Promote your Blog And Increase Traffic?

So I wanted to give my own answers and tips for the question: How to promote a blog and get more traffic?

Starting a blog might be easy for you, but getting tons of traffic is the main difficulty for many newbie bloggers. Blog promotion is highly crucial to get your blog content in front of more eyeballs; right eyeballs.

However, you cannot simply blindly go about promoting your blog posts. There are quite a few things that you need to set right before you can think about blog promotion.

blog promotion

Now, I assume that you have taken care of all the stuff I have pointed out in my earlier post, because, I would like to stress once again, all your promotion methods (that I explain below) and your promotion efforts WILL go wasted if you don’t fix those points first.

So how to promote your blog? Let me answer the question right away!

Embrace social media

Social media is getting hotter by the minute. More and more people are joining social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and many others. If your readers and potential customers are active on social media, then you must have an online presence on social media platforms too.

It is because you should be willing to deliver quality content and promote your (useful) blog posts outside your own blog.

Sure you have spent a lot of time creating that content. But if it lacks social shares, and social engagement your blog post is missing a large piece of the pie.

Do not ignore social media thinking it is a waste of time. Indeed, social media can be a great distraction. But it should not be ignored on this basis. You have to have control over yourself when you use social media sites for promotion. Otherwise, you will stuff yourself with unwanted information and you will also be wasting your time.

Have a strategic system in place. Pick 2 or 3 top social media sites that bring you traffic. Go to Google Analytics (I assume you have an account and have the analytics code pasted on your site – if not, you MUST do it!).

On the left sidebar, click on “Acquisition” and then “All Referrals”. You should see a list of sites that are giving you referral traffic.

Pick 3 social media sites from the top 10 and do more work concentrating on those sites. For instance, in my case, my top 3 social media sites are Twitter, Google+, and Facebook (see image above).

So I need to work more intensively on these social media with a strategy in mind.

Since there are too many social media sites, it is good not to try to be present on all of them! You will feel a lot overwhelmed and you will be wasting your time.

I am not telling you should totally ignore the other social media platforms. It is nice to be everywhere (according to PatFlynn). But you won’t be able to build a solid social media strategy if you start treating all the social sites equally and if you try to put your work equally on all of them.

You can set up automatic sharing or hire a VA or spend a very less amount of time on other social sites. But the top 3 should be your top priority.

Set up a strategy, allot a specific amount of time, and rock on these social media sites. When I say “rock” don’t be aggressively promoting your posts alone.

You have to be actively engaging, useful, and provide quality content on these sites (top 3) – and you should also be friendly, entertaining, and helping people out on these sites.

This way, you will be building a strong fan base outside your blog – and this will be a good form of blog promotion.

Strategically promote on your top 3 social media sites.

Comment on related blogs

I hear from you. After all the slaps from Google, you wonder what blog commenting has to do with promoting a blog. Well, if you are going to comment on blogs to build backlinks then you will suffer (at least from the point of search engine traffic).

So how can you differentiate commenting for links and commenting for traffic and build authority? – there is a huge difference between the two.

If you start blasting 20 comments a day on do-follow blogs alone, or if you are targeting only those blogs that have commentluv, then you are probably doing it for links. And in that case, one cannot expect (within reasonable limits) that your comments will be of good quality.

Since your aim is to get X number of links per day, you will be leaving low-quality comments on the blogs. And you will be targeting a certain type of blogs (say, Commentluv enabled blogs).

But if you comment for traffic and to build authority, the story is totally different. You won’t care

(i) if the blog has Commentluv enabled or not,

(ii) if the blog gives do-follow links or not or

(iii) if the blog has a native commenting system or any other third-party commenting system.

You won’t care anything about links. Rather you will now leave your genuine valuable comments that add value to the original post and that voices your opinion.

Doing this consistently will help you build your brand and also will act as free advertising to your blog – it doesn’t matter if the links are do-follow or no-follow, if your comment stands out, people will click through your link to see who you are!

Blog commenting is a powerful traffic strategy!

Guest blogging

Just like blog commenting, guest blogging too was abused by many for links.

After the death of article marketing, people started using guest blogging just like article marketing – bulk guest posting of spun articles on various blogs just to build links became too annoying that Google had to take action against this trend.

Now, don’t panic that I am asking you to do guest blogging to promote your blog. I am asking you to do it in a genuine manner. Just like blog commenting, do not guest blog for links. Do it in a genuine manner so your post helps the audience of the host blog.

Blogging communities are a great boon to the blogosphere. They are places where like-minded folks come together and share each other’s work. Your blog posts get voted by the community and get a lot of exposure.

In addition, with guest blogging, we write content for other bloggers in our niche as per their guidelines.

When you are writing content for other bloggers, you will be known as a guest blogger and the content, which is being published on a blog that you don’t own, will be called as a guest post.

And in case you are searching for top blogs in your niche for guest blogging, here is the list of 100 plus blogs that accept guest posts.

Now let’s talk in details about what kind of benefits you will enjoy while doing guest blogging activities on popular blogs in your niche:

1. High Quality and Relevant Backlinks for Lifetime

The biggest benefit you will be getting from guest blogging will be coming in the form of backlinks. Few contextual links (in the form of guest posts) from top authority blogs in your niche will make you ahead of all your competitors.

When you are generating backlinks through writing high-quality guest posts on other blogs in your niche, you need not worry much about any of Google algorithmic changes.

With each update, search engine rankings for your website for its targeted terms will increase and your competitors who were using outdating link-building techniques will start seeing the negative impact on their activities.

All links that we are generating through guest blogging is used to remain live for the lifetime of a blog. So whenever you get links from your guest posts, you should use your keywords intelligently in your author bio section.

Apart from higher rankings for targeted terms, links from other authority blogs in your niche help your blog receive better page rank in future PR updates from Google.

2. Flow of Targeted Traffic to Your Blog

Readers of a blog are able to reach your website through the links that you have added to your profile or in the guest post content section.

If you are doing guest blogging on a popular blog in your niche, you can expect a good amount of visitors landing on your website’s targeted pages. So far I had written many guest posts on different sizes of blogs in my niche.

Some guest posts gave me a few clicks only. But there were some posts through which I was able to get hundreds of targeted visitors on my blog over the period of time.

3. Increase Your Subscriber’s Base

Apart from targeted traffic, you will be able to increase your subscriber’s base and follower’s base on popular social media websites through guest blogging.

Whenever you are writing guest posts on a popular blog in your niche, you may notice a certain level of a spike in your subscriber’s numbers. You will also notice an increase in your fans on Facebook and followers on Twitter.

4. More Exposure and Brand Awareness

Through guest blogging, you are able to showcase yourself and your online presence to a much bigger audience.

Suppose you are writing a guest post on a popular blog that gets 30000 unique visitors per day and 10000 visitors in total viewed your guest post over the period of time. This should serve as great exposure for you and for your brand.

After this guest post, there will be thousands of other readers who would have known about your expertise and the website you are blogging for.

With the power of guest blogging, you will be able to build a strong presence for yourself in the eyes of the targeted audience and also be able to make your website more popular over a period of time.

5. Helps You Become a Better Blogger

It’s true that we improve as a person and as a blog writer over a period of time. Whenever you compare the starting post and latest blog posts from a popular blogger in any niche, you could see the difference.

Writing more and more guest posts make us a better writer. When we start guest blogging, we should start with the small size blogs based on our niche and once we start receiving a certain level of authority and expertise, we should proceed to try bigger blogs.

When you are writing a guest post, you should give your best efforts and should proofread your guest post for all kind of spelling or grammatical errors before sending to the blog owner.

There may be many more guest blogging benefits I missed mentioning in this special guest post. Do you know any other benefit of guest blogging or have doubts over the benefits I shared above, please share your thoughts and concerns in the comments section below.

Use bookmarking sites

OK, I hear you. Now, this starts to sound as if I’m teaching you some black hat technique. Nope!

Again, do not blast or automate submission to bookmarking sites hoping to get a few hundred links to your post in a short time so you can shoot up your ranking in search engines.

I am suggesting using bookmarking sites to gain traffic. Ya, that’s right.

Forget bookmarking for links. Let’s do a bookmark for traffic.
So you probably now know how to do bookmarking (considering bookmarking for traffic); if not here are a few things you need to do differently.

If you are bookmarking for links, you can choose any kind of bookmarking site – in this case, you care about the number of sites – and then you could use an automation tool, or outsource the whole task in order to get as many backlinks as you can.

But now, since we are talking about bookmarking for traffic, we need to pick up only high quality bookmarking sites. The number, in this case, will be much lesser and we have to do the bookmarking manually – either by ourselves or by outsourcing – but no automation tools!

There are good quality, high traffic bookmarking sites like Digg, Delicious, and the like. Go for them.

Email marketing

How can I not include email marketing in this list? If you have been following my words for a while you’d know that I’m all in for email marketing. I highly recommend bloggers to start building their email list from day 1 – yes day 1.

You would need an email autoresponder service like Aweber.

In my previous post, I have mentioned this – encouraging bloggers to put up those signup forms in place BEFORE they start promoting their blog. I mentioned how I got 45 subscribers when my blog was only getting 20 visitors per day.

If you are making all efforts to build an email list fast, you should have a good number of subscribers in your list.

And promoting your blog post to your list is a great marketing strategy where your ROI will be super-duper. Why? Because your subscribers are people who have already expressed their interest in you!

You know you are promoting your blog to a bunch of people who are already interested in what you gotta say! Do not ignore email marketing!

Why do you need to Learn SEO after Starting a Blog?

Seo is the backbone of any blog. You can’t ignore it if you are going to start blogging.

You should at least learn the basics of SEO before starting your blog. People are creating blogs every day, and competition is already too high.

In this situation, you can’t believe in this myth, which says content is the only king in Blogging. If the content is king, then SEO is its queen. If you are still unaware of the SEO, read this guide here to understand the basic meaning of these terms.

In addition, if you will be prepared with SEO, you will not make those silly mistakes that are common in the beginning. I will also discuss those mistakes in detail. People think that Blogging is just as easy as it looks. They don’t know the hard work of years behind that.

Furthermore, people usually see Google’s first-page result, and they feel that they will create a blog like them. But they don’t know that millions of websites never come on Google’s first page.

Therefore, I am revealing here some most common beginner’s mistakes. You should always avoid starting a blog. This will help you to grow your blog fast, and you can start making money online.

Domain Authority

Domain authority is a kind of power of a domain name. It is specially designed by MOZ to calculate the ranking power of any domain through numbers. You can see any domain’s authority between 0 to 100.

In simple words, the higher domain authority you have, the higher ranking you will get on search engines such as Google.

Domain authority can be calculated through various factors such as backlinks to the root domain, age of the domain, external links to other pages, etc. You need to build up domain authority to gain higher rankings in Google.

In addition, increasing domain authority takes time and money. It is a harsh truth that if you don’t build up your domain authority, you have to invest money too.

However, there is a very famous and old method to acquire higher domain authority in seconds. Buying old domains. It is a hidden secret that there are lots of expired domains on the internet. And they have vast and authoritative backlink data.

Moreover, you can buy expired domains having high domain authority, and you can quickly get higher rankings in a few days. This is all because of the power of expired domains.

You can use to find highly authoritative expired domains. Sometimes you can also get good domains in domain auctions. However, you should always check Moz da and AHrefs dr to analyze the authority of any domain.

If you have not a problem with domain names. You can easily find an expired domain and start a blog with it. However, if you want to create your own brand name using a domain name, you should always buy a fresh domain name.

Need Traffic to Earn Money

Increasing traffic on your blog could be more difficult as compared to starting a blog. Most of the blogs spent years with no traffic from Google. As Google is the largest resource of traffic, you need to learn SEO to gain this traffic on your site.

Moreover, traffic is essential for every blogger to earn money through it.

Google AdSense pays low rates to some countries such as Asian countries as compared to bloggers in the US, UK, Canada, etc. There is nothing like that Google hates these countries. Many people believe that Google is doing this intentionally.

However, your AdSense earnings depend on the CPC rates of advertisers. People don’t invest a considerable amount of money on google ads; hence bloggers also get lower payouts.

I hope you have understood now that you need lots of traffic to make money through Adsense. Adsense is good for only those who have tons of traffic on their blogs.

If you are going to start a blog on some specific niche. You should try affiliate marketing. It is the most common monetization method for bloggers.

Various bloggers are earning from $100 to $50000 every month through affiliate marketing. Here you just need to find target products for your audience. As many sales you can give to the company, you will earn a passive income through it.

Also Read: Yoast SEO Tutorial 2019: The Complete Solution for All the SEO Need

Different Methods to Make Money Blogging

Blogging is a thing that can generate a fair amount of money for you. Making money from blogging is not so easy, but everyone can do it. It would be best if you had something interesting to tell your readers. 

There are 31.7 million bloggers in the USA in 2020. The overall blogs are more than 500 million that exist in 2019. Only Tumblr has more than 440 million blogs. WordPress has its own 60 million blogs. 

After reading these stats, you can easily understand how many people are earning just from blogs. But how can you become a successful blogger? You will know how you can make money from blogging soon, so without wasting time, let’s get straight into it.

There are too many ways to monetize your blog and earn money. However, I have collected some most common and profitable ways to make money online through Blogging.

1. Google Adsense

Google Adsense is a common phrase for every blogger. Most of the bloggers earn money through it.

However, as I discussed above, you need to earn lots of traffic to earn money through the Adsense program. If you are not able to generate lacs of traffic a month, this monetization method will not help you to make a single penny.

Google Adsense is always a profitable option for those who are working in a niche that has millions of traffic. That’s the reason most of the bloggers are preferring affiliate marketing over Google Adsense.

One more reason for not choosing AdSense is their approval process. Google AdSense guys manually check and approve every blog for their program. It is the most common issue that newbie bloggers struggle with Google AdSense approval.

2. Affiliate Marketing

This is the most beneficial monetization method for bloggers. Affiliate marketing simply means to sell other company’s products to your audience. For that, companies pay you to commission on each sale.

There are different affiliate marketing products, and their commission rates are also different. You need to select suitable products according to your blog niche.

For instance, if your blog is all about luxury bags, you can register with the Amazon affiliate program to sell related products.

Affiliate marketing is also not as easy as it feels like. You need to provide valuable reviews and information to your readers so that they will buy from your recommendations.

You need to create a trusted relationship with your audience. People don’t easily buy from any common man’s advice. They take your advice seriously, and then they believe in you. Affiliate marketing is dependent on trust and value.

3. Sell Your Products

This is also one of the best ways to earn money by blogging. Many people love this to create your own products and sell them on your website.

There are thousands of products you can create and sell on your blog. For example, if you are in a fashion niche, you can sell printed t-shirts and merchandise.

You can also create and sell online courses, ebooks, video courses, webinars, etc. It also depends on the type of blog. You have to do experiments to know what can give you the highest sales on your site.

Here is a benefit of direct selling is that you don’t need to advertise for others’ products. Creating their own products takes time and effort, but in the end, they worth it.

Also Read: How to Start Making Money Online with Google Adsense

4. Online courses and workshops:

Most of the bloggers make millions of dollars from online classes and seminars. Ramit Sethi, an American blogger, crossed approx ten million dollars annually just from his premium courses

Business is not the only topic that is making a fair amount of revenue. All the other issues can also generate good revenue if they rank on Google and other search engines.

For example, the famous interior designer whose name is Maria Killam also has some free courses and workshops, and she is also generating a significant amount of money.

If you want to earn from online courses, then this method is definitely for you. By using new technology, launching an online system is very easy for anyone. If you are availing of a free unique online course, your chance of earning one million dollars is very high.

Here is the source “ShoutUniversity” from where you can learn about WordPress, AdSense, and affiliate marketing. Watch the videos provided to create and sell your online course.

5. eBooks and books:

Top bloggers in the blogging industry sell their products, such as an eBook. You need to select a topic, create an eBook on that topic. After compiling the eBook, you can quickly sell it on your blog or Amazon. Once you learn this process, you can earn a handsome amount of money by selling eBooks online. 

With your product, you have a right to sell it on your demand. You can put your articles into an eBook and then sell them. Here ( is a fantastic platform where you can sell those eBooks quickly, Moreover if you want to create your brand and then sell them on your website.

Self-published books are the way to earning a significant amount of money for many bloggers. You can get someone quickly to create a design for your eBook from Fiverr. You can also use WooCommerce on your blog for selling products.

6. Write advertorials and sponsored content:

One of the best ways of monetizing a blog is by offering sponsored content opportunities. You can earn money by writing an article or blog post.

Let me give you an example. If a famous brand brings out a new product, and any of your blogs is related to it, they might hire you to write an article on this product. You can also add some affiliate links to your website.

The monetization method works better when you have a strong niche audience. Once you got the readership, most of the brands come to you for their sponsored posts. In this case, you can charge passive money per post.

According to Kenzie Harvey, from the fashion industry:

“I have only ever had sponsored content opportunities to come to me through PR companies, either directly or through apps like the Instagram agency Takumi.”

7. Selling Freelance Services:

By providing your freelance services, you can make a passive income. But you have to manage some time for these services; it will soon increase your revenue, to a higher level you ever got. Many bloggers are using their blogs as a lead mechanism to grab the clients.

It is very profitable. Many successful bloggers continue with blogging. Elna Cain continues to sell her writing services with blogging.

It will make you rich very soon if you are passionate about your writings. I also like to sell freelance services. It would be best if you found some better clients and that’s it. 

8. Offer a coaching service:

If you want to earn in the shortest period, become a coach. You can give your customers direct access to the expertise they want. 

According to research as a whole, the life coaching industry generates 2 billion dollars every year.

Jenni Elliot, the founder of, generates around $379 on a one blogging session. Her students are excited about the results they are getting.

You can use your blog to create awareness among your audience. Motivated clients can give you a fair amount of money if you offer them quality coaching. It is also a fantastic way to earn money sooner.

The primary thing why clients help you make some extra money through coaching classes is because they want to learn new skills. A lot of bloggers started as a coach. They worked hard and got regular clients. 

For example, if anyone needs a web developer, he might require a coach. If you become successful in increasing your client’s income, they will refer you to other people. In this way, you can create your community and can earn a passive income. 

9. Work with agencies:

There are many agencies out there, exclusively promoting bloggers to big brands. Blogging will become so popular in the advertising world if you use these agencies to promote your blog.

But you’ll need to have enough following if you want to rank in the first place. Working with an agency can be very beneficial; it offers you security also.

Due to the agency’s high fee, only more prominent brands will afford to work with you. The smaller independent will be afraid. It’s quite beneficial for you.

But agency fees may prevent you from working with small designers you want to do. So it depends on you, what kind of business you are aiming to have.

10. Sponsored reviews:

Earning money from paid reviews is also a great way to boost your monthly income. You can earn about 10$ quickly from writing a small review post. Most of the bloggers use this method to make money; you can also use it.

Many people know about paid reviews, but usually, they ignore them. Chances that people contact you to review their posts are high if you have a niche blog on any topic. 

You will receive tons of emails regarding reviewing the products if you have the relevant ranking blog post. Be passionate about the products that you are reviewing.

You should try the product before buying it. In this way, you will learn thoroughly about the product and can quickly review it. Ask the advertiser for a sample product before reviewing the product. In this way, you can write an honest review.

11. Speaking Gigs on blogging:

If your blog gets ranked on Google, and later you start being recognized as an authority in your community. Many people will invite you to speaking gigs. These invitations are a great source of income for many of the successful bloggers. 

It’s amazingly profitable for a blogger; he can quickly generate a massive amount of revenue from these speak conferences. Here is a live example for you. This person makes a minimum of ($10,000) per speech. 

This amount is not wrong for just 60-90 minutes. It depends upon you that how much money you want to ask. 

12. Write guest blog posts for media outlets:

If you become an authority on a topic, members of the press will reach out to you. The media and the brands running their blogs will reach you and ask you to make a little appearance on their website.

For example, a newspaper may get in touch with you to contribute some sweet recipes to their cooking magazine if they found some blogs of you related to cooking.

A brand may come to you to get some content for their website. There are hundreds of brands for which you can write some efficient content.

13. Create an online T-shirt Store:

You can create your t-shirt store by using WordPress. Almost all people wear a t-shirt, so opening an online t-shirt store is an excellent idea if you want to monetize your blog. 

By designing t-shirts, you will become creative and can offer something different to your audience. Many services allow you to upload your designs, so there is no need to worry. In this way, you can easily earn a massive profit.

You can easily create your t-shirt store on your WordPress site using Spreadshirt WP-Spreadshirt. If you are looking for a faster solution, use a Shopify store connected with many t-shirt companies.

14. Sell WordPress themes:

If you are a web designer, you should start to create your WordPress themes to sell. WordPress themes are in high demand nowadays. 

It requires both technical and design skills. You have to learn how to create a website and how to code it for WordPress. 

It is another method to earn in blogging, but you need to have some skills to make from this method.

15. Direct advertising on your blog:

By using this method, you will be able to sell directly from your blog. Most of the bloggers adopt this method and earn meaningful revenue. As long as the ad will upfront on your website, you can fee.

You can get out these adverts anywhere, but you will usually see them on the bar or the top of the page. It depends upon you where you want to put them. 

There are two ways in this method of earning. CPM (cost per thousand) you will get a set payment for every 1000 impressions the ad receives. CPC (cost per click) means you will earn a set payment for every reader who clicks the advertisement. 

As the AdBloker plug-ins are increasing, so the earning from CPC and CPM can decrease. There is little harm to your website also, in trying these ads.

Most of the bloggers use this method when they are starting. After some time, many of them create their products and advertise them. Google AdSense is an example of this method, but earning through Google AdSense is not as high as it should be. 

So if you want to earn through advertisements, you should contact some high-paying and popular brands on your blog. Those popular brands will pay you much higher than Google Adsense.   

16. Sell Memberships:

Suppose your blog has an active community that looks to know more about your content. Then you can introduce a paid membership. It is another way to earn from blogging by using your valuable content. 

There is another way to make money to sell membership to the exclusive corners of your blogs. A startup business blog may sell membership to its forums, where people can get advice about their business. 

The main thing is that your membership should always be more beneficial to your members than anything else. So be sure that you are developing something workable for your members so that they like to attach it with you. 

In this type of business, your readers pay a fixed amount, regular monthly, or annually. By collecting a subscription fee from readers, you can generate a passive income, and this income is continuous.  

In exchange, you may offer your subscribers premium content. You can create a community area where you can upload videos or can use extra tools.

17. Earn money by flipping websites or blogs: 

You can also earn money by flipping websites if you know how to build a WordPress site. Then you can create new websites quickly and then can sell them. There are a lot of people out there who want to have their ready-made website. Some of the entrepreneurs like to buy already established websites, so you can quickly sell them. 

To make your blog ranking is a tricky thing. If you can build a WordPress blog and start getting traffic, then you can sell it and can make a meaningful income for your efforts.

 This method requires information about websites that are on-demand these days. You should also have some knowledge about how to buy and sell a website. 

Many websites like Flippa serve people as a broker for selling sites. So if you want to earn by selling ranked websites, you will make a passive income through blogging.  

18. Amazon Associates:

Amazon associates are the biggest retailer in the world. It offers bloggers to earn commissions by advertising Amazon products. In this way, your visitors can make a click on their ads and go to directly. 

They purchase on Amazon, which produces revenue for both you and Amazon. If someone clicks through your website and makes multiple purchases, you will earn every credit.

The vital idea with Amazon associates is that you can get a tracking link that is unique to you. You are credited with the sale if someone clicks on the link on your blog. You can promote Amazon products on your websites in many ways.

You can also earn money from Amazon by publishing books on Amazon kindle. You can write product reviews and can link to the product you recommend.

19. Blogging about your lifestyle:

Introducing your lifestyle is another form of blogging; many people talk about their daily routines. You may have seen many of them on YouTube as a video blogger. You can also do the same thing on your blog posts.  

Some of the favorite topics for this kind of blogging are as under:

  • Fashion
  • Entertainment
  • Travel
  • Lifestyle
  • Motivation

To start blogging in this way, you will need to entertain people with your content. You can create a community around you; it will also help you to rank your blog quickly. You can make a passive income if you use this strategy. There is another thing you need to have is consistency.

Many beginners also ask, should I focus on personal blogging or blogging? Well, you should keep these both strategies. Producing video content includes many time-consuming things—for example, recording, editing, and publishing. 

On the other hand, creating text content is easy and takes less time. The use of both techniques will help you to make a fair amount of money sooner.

Those days have gone when we bloggers only depend on Google AdSense to earn money from blogging. There are many ad network and monetization methods now, from which you can quickly increase your income potential.

To Sum Up

Finally, I hope you have understood that you can easily start a blog on your own without any technical skills or coding knowledge.

In this new era, technology is growing tremendously, and WordPress is providing a user-friendly content management system to start a blog by yourself.

If you feel that this post has helped you to understand “how to start a blog.” Then make sure to subscribe to our newsletter for the latest offers and updates. You can also like us on Facebook and Instagram. 


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