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Best ways to increase your website loading time
It is examined by analysts that a visitor leave your website if it can’t open in max 4 seconds.
However, it is not easy to make your site speed constant but you can implement some strategies to improve your performance.
Well, there are n number of articles on this topic on the internet. There are all mostly same strategies people talk about.
As you already know, delete your cache, upload small files, upgrade hosting plan. These are all the strategies you all know. Now let’s talk about some hidden myths on this topic.
1. Hosting plan
This is the most and foremost topic that is discussed by people to increase your website speed. I wanna tell you clearly that I had been used shared hosting plan for 3 years. I never felt that my website opens in more than 3 seconds.
However, hosting plan does matter with your website content and traffic. If you have a huge number of files or blog posts and images or videos. Then maybe you need to upgrade a bigger hosting plan.
Otherwise, you don’t need to upgrade it. There is also one more factor that if your website is getting traffic more than 20000 in a month. Then you really need to upgrade your hosting plan.
2. Reduce Image Size
It is an ultimate reason given by people to talk about site speed optimization. Actually its a true fact that images affects your websits speed in many ways.
But the main problem is that you can’t really change your image size. You can reduce some kbs of your images but you cant make a big difference.
All you can do is don’t use too many images on your homepage. Yeah its true, I know its difficult to follow but its the only best method to decrease image load time on your homepage.
In addition, what you can do is track you all images. I mean you need to analyze your media folder. How many images are there not used anywhere on your website.
Delete all the unwanted images to resuce data on your server. Its the top most reason to boost up your site speed. You can also replace big size images from your blog to small size.
3. Delete Cache
Cache is called a place where unwanted data files stored to give you a faster speed when you will next time open the content. In simple, its a waste content which is also stored in your website server.
As you seen in you mobile phones. There is a setting to delete your cache files time to time. This happens same with your website too.
You can install W3 Super Cache plugin to delete this unnecessary data in your WordPress website.
There are multiple plugins avavilable to do this task but these are some most trusted plugins.
4. Upgrade WordPress
This is the uncommon strategy people usually discuss about. However this is the most powerfull action to make your website faster. By the way, what do you understand by WordPress upgrade?
Well, WordPress sends a notification to upgrade your WordPress version on your admin dashboard. Here bloggers sometimes ignore the message and don’t feel importance of upgrade.
When WordPress release some upgrade, they try to make your WordPress experience more better and faster. They remove all the bugs.
They reduce the junk files from WordPress. All they make necessary changes in the whole WordPress which have come in last days because of some hacks.
Therefore, it is really necessary to upgrade Youe WordPress version today instantly. Make sure to make a simple data backup and then upgrade new version of WordPress.
5. Delete Unwanted Plugins
I hope you are blogging to make money. If you really need a good blog conversion, you need to ensure that your website is super fast.
Specially if you are a new blogger and you have a shared hosting plan. In this case, you must understand that deletion of unnecessary plugins is extremely crucial.
I was also facing the same issue when I was using 20+ plugins while mostly of them are useless. Means there are many very little coding tweaks you can use instead of a whole plugin.
You should always first search a coding method to make any changes on your site rather than finding a plugin.
I made a decision to not use more than 10 plugins until I bought a premium hosting plan with premium cdn. And suddenly my pages load time became half.
So always download plugins wisely if you really need them. More importantly, you should never store plugins in your site dashboard if they are not activated.
Many blogs download plugins to make a useful collection which makes their site more slower.
6. Delete Unwanted Themes
When you are a new blogger. You are confuse to select a beautiful theme for your website. Thats why you download and collect many themes in your collection.
However, any blog can use one theme at a time. And all other themes become burden on your site server.
Newbie bloggers aren’t aware of this thing but your wordpress site is like your mobile.
If you will store data out of capacity. It will become more slower.
Therefore, never ever download and keep themes in your wordpress site until your are going to use it.
I hope these methods will reduce some stress from you to speed up your website.