What is a Blog? A Complete Guide on Blogging, Bloggers and Blogs

What is a Blog? A Complete Guide on Blogging, Bloggers and Blogs

Know about Blog, Blogging, Bloggers – A Definitive Guide

Today there are many people were starting a blogging business without knowing what is a blog?

And they leave after some time seeing no improvement and no gains from their blogging.

In this article, I am going to explain to you all the terminals related to the blog, bloggers, and blogging.

This article is must definitive guide for every newbie on the Internet because you should know about these terms before starting this business.

What is a Blog?

A Blog is a website where bloggers can share their thoughts, knowledge, and information via text, images, audio, and videos.

What is a blog


The compressed version of a weblog is called Blog. It is a conversational or informative website published on the world wide web containing different posts or pages.

These posts or pages commonly display ongoing chronicle order of information on a particular topic.

The blog is a term used to explain about a website has blog posts in chronological order (the most recent post shows first).

It contains diary type information on a website that also connects to other websites.

Blogs may be related to personal or political, maybe educational or entertainment related. It may be on a small subject or in a big range of products.

If you have just created a blog or want to create a blog. This is the right place to understand complete guidance on blogging.

In this post, We will explain terms like blogging and bloggers. You will also learn how you can start your own blog in 10 minutes.

First, You must understand these terms. These are the basic terms you will need in your blogging journey. After that, we can move on to How to create a blog with easy and simple steps

1.) Types of Blogs:

1.1.) Personal Blog:

The personal blog is an identical diary written on the internet. People create personal blogs to share their life experiences, their ideas, their life tragedies or their problems.

Personal Blogging


Personal blogs have a wide variety of description related to a particular blog owner.

It has been seen that they start blogging to express their feelings in front of people.

You can write about your hobbies, your profession, your home life or your life goals. This is a type of personal diary posted on the world wide web.

1.2.) Group Blog:

In this type of blog, web pages and posts are written and created by more than one author.

The majority of these blogs are based on a single uniting theme, such as tech-related or politics related.

In recent years, it is examined that the majority of these type of blogs is growing. It cuts the pressure of maintaining a popular blog and to attract a larger readership.

1.3.) Micro Niche Blog:

Micro niche sites are the best way to start earning some good amount of money. I have seen some broadly categorized blogs are wasting their time to get traffic.

Whereas, some micro niche site is creating good page views. And they are making a very good amount of money.

Micro niche sites are featured on a single specified topic. These sites are based on a particular topic and targeted traffic.

They can easily catch their target. It needs hard work with some smart work also. You need some good keyword search and quality content.

1.4.) Business Blogs:

A blog may be personal as seen in most cases, or it can be for business purpose as well.

Many companies want to advertise their products and want to share their plans to attract customers.

Therefore, some companies make their sites only for business purposes. To maintain business relations and branding, these sites are created.

Companies try to explain the features and specifications of their tech products. such as mobile and computer companies. This is the strategy to attract customers and increase their sales.

2.) What Does a Blogger Mean?

A blogger is a person who operates a blog or a website. He publishes new articles or blog posts on his blog about his choice of niche.

Bloggers usually share their knowledge, thoughts, and experience on their blogs. Most of the bloggers create blogs to spread their knowledge in the world via the internet.

Bloggers can start writing on different topics or areas. For example, travel, food, education, science, home, health, finance, arts, parenting etc.

2.1.) Why Bloggers do Blogging?

Blogging is also a way to make passive income online. Here bloggers can earn money by many different monetization methods. It is also the most preferable reason to create a blog.

Many bloggers work full-time on their blog and make a good business out of it. This is the reason blogging is becoming popular day by day.

There are bloggers who make thousands of dollars just be creating a blog. However, like many other businesses, blogging also needs hard work and patience to put up a sustainable business.

Blogging has become a hugely popular career option for many youngsters these days. That’s why the number of bloggers is increasing day by day. People want to work online and help people with their personal experiences and knowledge.

Bloggers publish content on their blogs regularly so their audience can get fresh content continuously. This way they can also publish advertisements on their blogs.

There are several methods to monetize your blog to earn money. However, Google AdSense and affiliate marketing are the most common.

Bloggers also create their own products and sell on their blogs which helps them to increase their business. Because it is easy to sell things to some people who are already getting content from you for free.

3.) Most Common Blogging Terms:

3.1.) Blog Niche

The main topic of your entire blog is called Niche. It is a word which is used for expressing a blog’s main topic or category. Every blogger writes on a specific niche or topic.

For example, if a blogger writes on health and fitness related topics, it means his blog niche is health and fitness. It is the same as for other topics too.

A blog niche is specifically the subject area of a blogger’s writing. Every blog has a specific niche while many blogs write on multiple niches.

3.2.) Blog Posts Vs. Pages:

A blog has always two specific methods to publish your content. You can either publish your content on a post or page.

Basically, pages and posts do not have that much difference. However, you can see little consequences between them. A page is mostly used for the specific content on your blog. For example, you will create an about page, contact page, Homepage.

Posts are typically used for writing direct articles on a regular time period. Posts are written and published to engage directly with readers. Most posts have a comment section where people can easily write down their opinions on the post.

Pages typically don’t have a comment box by default. It is a simple piece of information. However, these days many bloggers started writing and publishing articles on pages too. This is not a common way of blogging but it depends on choices too. It is really rare to find an article on pages.

Pages are more often created to design your blog’s layout while posts are created in chronological order. It will show you the latest content first. It is especially an easy and short way to directly publish your content.

3.3.) Post Title:

In easy words, The main heading of a blog is called its title. Whenever you want to write. you think about some topic, and choose some good heading for that topic.

That is called a title. You can also refer the title as a heading. It is a very useful part of your blog. Whenever someone searches a query on search engines.

The search engine first shows the title of your article. A title of 40 – 60  characters is suitable for search engine optimization of your site. A title of your blog should be interesting and attractive but also related to your subject.

3.4.) Blog Content:

Whenever you create an article or blog post and publish it on your blog, it is blog content. E-commerce websites feature a catalog of products.

Education institutional sites just feature information about their timetable, faculty, and campuses.

News sites the breaking and latest news after every short time period. If you have a personal blog, you should have a conclusion or reviews.

Without an updated blog post, there are very fewer possibilities to visit a site again.

On a news blog, An author of that blog got something crazy news, to get the attraction of people, he immediately starts to write an article on that news.

With some tricky words, he creates attraction towards his blog by his words.

After that, He publishes this article on his blog. People got that content interesting and spent the time to gain knowledge from that article.

3.5.) Blog Comments:

Whenever you visit some site or specific article, you have some personal views on that content.

You want to write some of your words on some particular web pages, it is blog comments.  Posting comments are one of the greatest impressive features of blogs.

Most bloggers give the feature to allow visitors to give comments. So that viewers can easily share their views on an article.

But unfortunately, Some bloggers don’t show this method of commenting because of their personal privacy. But it is not good for a public sharing blog.

If you want to create a healthy relationship with your visitors, you should allow them to send their reviews. Try to answer them immediately and talk to them softly.

Help your viewers to solve issues related to your blog. If you will make your visitors happy, they will definitely visit your website again.

4.) How to Start Your Own Blog in Less Than 15 Minutes:

Creating a blog is not that much tricky these days. The time has gone when you would need so many coding skills to create a blog.

WordPress is the most famous and successful CMS to create a beautiful blog with simple clicks.

You don’t even need to touch a single code start your blog. You just need to install WordPress and you can start publishing your content.

There is so many one-click installation software available in the market. You can easily create your own blog by just going through a few clicks.

There are two ways to start your own website. One is free which will give you a place to write and publish your content but you don’t have complete control on your blogs or its server.

For instance, free blogs don’t give you a personal website name. You can’t create a blog like yourblogname.com. It is because you have to purchase a domain name to get your own blog name.

Self-hosted blogs are far better and customizable rather than free ones.

You should not worry about money because buying a personal domain name and hosting plan is not that much costly anymore.

There are many sellers out there who provide a domain name and hosting plans less than $5.

→ Start Your Own Blog with Bluehost at $3.95 Only←

Bluehost is the most recommended hosting provider for bloggers.

Here you can easily start your own blog with just a few steps in less than few minutes.

Bluehost Hosting Plans

You just need to visit Bluehost and select shared hosting from the menu.

Then select a basic plan which is best for a newly starting blog.

Then you should choose your blog name which is the most hectic decision in this process.

Think your blog name according to your niche and keep it simple and short.

Your blog name should be easy to spell and pronounce. It would be easy for people to keep remember.

Then purchase that basic plan and complete your payment.

It is all easy and simple. Now you can easily install WordPress and start writing.

If you feel it’s still confusing because it is. You can refer to this detailed guide below.

Here I explained step by step process to start your blog and make money out of it.


So I hope you have now understood what is a blog and blogging? Blogging is an efficient way to spread your experience and skills via the internet.

Many people also started earning money through blogging. You can also start a blog to share your life skills with the world.

Here are some blogging guides to make you succeed in your journey:

How to Make Money from your Blog?

10 Blogging Tips to Stay Ahead from your Competitors

How to Promote a Newly Started Blog?

How to Choose Affiliate Program for a Blog?

20 Blogging Mistakes That Will Actually Make Your Life Worse

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  1. Dileep
  2. saurabh

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